Color is a stand-out identifier of vintage cars—for instance, a radiant gypsy red Chevrolet Bel-air. The glossy gypsy red finish complements the convertible model, good handling, and strong engine. A vintage car owner must take maximum caution against heat or risks that can damage a paint job. Typically, heat, like other extreme weather events, accelerates the wear and tear of vehicle paint. Vintage automobile collection insurance can protect you from heat-related paint damage and other risks.  

How Does Heat Damage Vintage Automobile Paint

The car may experience heat damage from internal or external sources. The sun is an obvious external source of heat damage. Alternatively, cars might sustain heat damage from an overheating engine, turbo, or exhaust manifold.   Ultimately, fluctuating temperature change contributes to the gradual fracturing and damage of the finish and paint job. Automobile paint damage can occur in two forms:  
  • Fading or Discoloration: Consistent exposure to UV rays from sunlight leads to the fading of automobile paint. First, the consistent exposure wears out the protective layer or paint finishing. Once the protective layer is exposed, the UV-rays sustain the damage resulting in a faded appearance.
  • Peeling: It occurs when the paint film loses adhesion qualities, thus detaching from the car exterior surfaces. Remember, sustained exposure to UV rays erodes the protective layer allowing entry of foreign materials like water. As moisture seeps through the exposed paint film, it accelerates the loss of adhesion, resulting in peeling.

How to Protect a Paint Job From Heat Damage

Park In the Shade

A shade reduces direct exposure of sun rays to the car. As such, take time to find a shaded parking lot. Alternatively, park your priced asset in a home garage or a parking deck.

Wash and Dry It Often

Dust accelerates the fading, cracking, and aging process of the paint job. Therefore, aim to wash and hand dry the car regularly. Consequently, you’ll remove the dust and dirt particles that cause minor scratches on the paint job.

Install Paint Protective Film

Paint protection Film(PPF) has chemical properties that block the deteriorating effects of UV rays. In addition, it also protects the paint job from scratches, dings, and chips.

Keep the Car Cool

Check whether the engine is in good condition to avoid overheating. Apply best practices like maintaining proper coolant levels, monitoring the temperature gauge, checking for leaks, and remembering to turn off the air conditioner when it’s not in use.

Does Car Insurance Cover Paint Damage?

Yes, you can claim paint damage if you have comprehensive coverage. Insurers will establish whether the damage is related to a weather-related event. Even so, the cost of a paint job should be higher than deductibles.

Speak to an Experienced Vintage Automobile Insurance Professional

A well-maintained paint job protects the value of a vintage car. As such, it pays to protect the car from extreme weather events and to manage associated risks. FACE Insurance has a dedicated team of professionals passionate about vintage automobiles.   Contact us online or call us at 916-721-2845 to protect your collection.